Business Math in Action:
- NeuVision type work is among the most important elements of corporate value.
- Yet it’s a specialty, and a focus that few have.
- Most companies are not organized to effectively manage existing businesses and launch new businesses concurrently.
- There are a number of basic structural inhibitors to being effective at both.
- That’s where we come in!
A couple eye opening stats:
- More than 90 percent of CEOs and business owners believe “new” is critical to their business
- New (non-organic) growth can account for as much as 54 percent of company value
- Only about 10 percent of CEOs rate their companies as well prepared and staffed for deploying “new” initiatives alongside existing ones.
- Only five percent of new initiatives typically last six months past commercialization.
- Ninety percent of new programs never see the marketplace.
- They are typically shut down internally before launch.
- Approximately one-half of the remaining 10 percent will fail within the first six months of commercialization.
- Only about three percent of all companies (within any given industry) are able to consistently maintain the status of high growth companies.
- Unlike the typical opinions, among the high growth companies, most are established businesses… that do “NeuVision” projects well.
- Extraordinary is much more correlated with systems and management practices than specific industries.